Arizona T'ai Chi Ch'uan Association |
Kim Kanzelberger, the instructor at Center States Tai Chi Chuan is holding his 23rd Annual Retreat in Carefree, AZ on April 4 - 7, 2019.
Kim provides a very comprehensive retreat by not only providing instruction on Cheng Man-ch'ing's 37 posture form, but also in Push Hands and Sword Form.
For more information, and to register, please visit this page: Center States Tai Chi Chuan Annual Winter Retreat in Carefree, AZ
Contact Darin Henry for more information
Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo of San Francisco, who is a senior student of Professor Cheng Man-Ching
Kim Kanzelberger director of Center States T'ai Chi Ch'uan and student of Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo
Ben Lo Workshop at La Casita in Mesa, AZ
Center States Tai Chi Chuan Annual Winter Retreat in Carefree, AZ
Center States Tai Chi Chuan Annual Summer Camp in Grand Lake, CO
Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo workshops in San Francisco Bay Area, Logan UT, Milwaukee WI, Reno NV, as well as others by our grand-teacher
Kim Kanzelberger camps in Carefree AZ, Grand Lake CO, Conception MO
Lenzie Williams workshops and camps in San Francisco Bay Area